Roadmap to the Academic Job Market for Dual-Career Couples

Learn about the 4 phases of the job market and relationship tips to navigate each phase as a dual-career couple.

Being a professor and living a life you love - with the person you love - has always been the dream.

What stands in your way? A year-long faculty job search.

As you’re about to begin, you’re probably wondering:

  • What can my partner and I expect when I go on the job market?

  • How can we prepare ourselves for the logistical and emotional challenges ahead?

  • What can we do to set ourselves up for success - on our terms?

The Roadmap to the Faculty Job Market for Dual-Career Couples can help.

This free guide: Roadmap to the Faculty Job Market for Dual-Career Couples gives you the run-down on all four phases of the job market, from initial planning to final decision-making.

You’ll get:

  • an overview of all four phases of the job market;

  • logistical tips for each phase; and

  • relationship coaching exercises you can use to ensure your relationship stays strong through it all.

Get your Roadmap to the Faculty Job Market today!

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